Read These Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful things a woman experiences in her lifetime, but also the most mysterious. A woman is normally pregnant 9 months (40 weeks). In those 9 months, wonderful and not so wonderful things happen, as well as confusing things that are hard to explain. In this article, we will discuss what should happen month-by-month, week-by-week, and one trimester after the next. Hopefully with the following valuable information, you will be quite prepared for what is to come in your pregnancy.

A good thing to do when pregnant is to see your practitioner on a regular basis. This will not only help you in knowing about the things that pregnant people should know but it also will help you in knowing how to have a healthy pregnancy. This act can help in having a very smooth pregnancy.

Take a childbirth class. Classes are offered in many doctors' offices and online. Topics covered include nutrition, exercise, relaxation, epidural anesthesia, pain relief in labor, preparing for labor and childbirth, as well as breastfeeding and baby care. Classes are generally offered once a week over a six to eight week period. Studies show that couples that attend regular childbirth classes are prepared and relaxed during childbirth.

When pregnant, avoid reclining after a meal. This can help your prevent heartburn. If you experience heartburn, you should sleep with your head elevated by pillows. Try to avoid foods that are spicy, acidic, or fried. These can be the main causes for heartburn during pregnancy. Those types of foods can also worsen your heartburn.

Taking prenatal vitamins is essential. Your body needs extra nutrition before, during and after your pregnancy. If you are planning on becoming pregnant, start taking these vitamins well before. If you are already pregnant, it's not too late to start. You will still get the benefits of it. Keep taking them well beyond giving birth. At least until you stop breast feeding.

One of the best things that you can do when you are pregnant, is to purchase books on pregnancy that will allow you to develop a structure for what to expect in the upcoming months. This will assure that there are no surprises so that you are prepared when the time comes to give birth.

Learn new cooking methods for healthier eating while you are pregnant. Broiling, steaming or baking your favorite foods to reduce the fat and calories are a great way to make your food healthier. If you are eating out, ask the waiter how items are prepared and stay away from items that are fried.

Avoid plastic containers that have BPA during your pregnancy. BPA acts like estrogen in the body and can have an adverse effect on babies. The BPA can have a feminizing affect on the fetus that you want to avoid. Switch out your plastics for glass and stainless steel to avoid the risk.

Realize that "morning" sickness can happen at any time of the day and check with your doctor if it seems really bad. Most new parents are only affected by morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is usually one of the first signs that a women picks up on to signify that she may be pregnant. If it is keeping you from being able to keep down any food, see your doctor for ideas on how to help.

Before you begin trying to conceive a baby, visit your doctor and check to be sure your vaccinations are updated. In particular, you want to make sure that you have the rubella and varicella vaccines. Exposure to these two diseases could be detrimental to your pregnancy if you haven't already been protected.

Visit the dentist before you get pregnant. Studies have shown that periodontal disease can lead to inflammation; this inflammation has the potential to affect whether or not you develop preeclampsia. Preeclampsia can have serious consequences for the health of both you and your child, so it is important to do everything you can to improve your teeth prior to conception.

Focus on your folic acid intake during pregnancy. Lots of nutrients are key to healthy pregnancies, though 600 milligrams daily of folic acid can greatly lower the risk of neural tube problems. Try to get 400 milligrams per day even before your pregnancy to get your body ready!

If you are having trouble sleeping during pregnancy, you may want to try putting a pillow under one side of your back and laying on that side. Also, tucking a pillow between your knees and pushing your knees together can be helpful. If you still have sleeping problems, there are pillows you can buy made just for pregnancy.

When you are pregnant, try not to eat big meals once or twice or day. Instead, eat 5 smaller meals. By filling up your stomach too much all at once, you increase your chances of getting gas or heartburn. Also, do not eat a meal 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep.

Maintain a proper diet while pregnant. You will most likely have cravings while pregnant, and you should indulge in them However, it is also important to make sure your diet is healthy. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and drink healthy beverages like water and juice.
Make sure to schedule some last minute pampering before the baby is born. Get your hair cut and your nails done. After the baby is born it may be a long long time before you will be able to do that again. If you do get a chance to do it you will be anxious to get back as soon as possible. Take advantage of the time you have and enjoy it before the baby is born.

All in all, pregnancy is an amazing, not so amazing, and mysterious experience. Women need to be prepared for pregnancy and know what to expect from it. Women also need to know how their baby is developing throughout the weeks of their pregnancy. With our month-by-month, week-by-week, and trimester-by-trimester breakdown of all the happenings of pregnancy, you will be enriched with all you need to know about your pregnancy!


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